Ian  Cross  
Ian's 40th Birthday Bash

You clicked so you must really be thinking about coming. You're very thoughtful and your presence will make Ian very, very happy - if you show up, of course.

So enough about you. What should Ian wear for his birthday? His signature black, a little colour, maybe something sporty? It's up to you, his guests, to decide.


  1. Select one of the dazzlers below.
  2. Enter your name, select YES and enter number of hangers-on coming with you.
  3. Craft a personal, heartfelt message.
  4. Actually show up on the 15th.
  5. Share a couple of 40 cent Crossers with the Old Geezer.

It's as a simple as that. See you there!

[ Hawaian Bum ][ Soccer Star ][ Mad Scottsman ][ Mr Bling ][ Old City ]
Hawaiian Beach BumSoccer Super StarMad ScotsmanMr. BlingOld City Classic
  • This patented X-Dresser system tracks each and every one of your responses.
  • There is no privacy policy, so your responses can/will be published.
  • The names of all people who say 'NO' will be displayed on a printed list [20 Pt Verdana Bold] to the left of the door at the bash.

Location :

Saint Jack's
45 S. 3rd St., Upstairs
Philadelphia, PA 19106
View Map

When :

Saturday, May 15, 8 PM >

First Name :

Last Name :

Attending? :

Yes No

# Of Hangers-on :

Message to Ian :